Friday, March 29, 2013

Benefits of Herbal Tea for Pregnant Women writ

Women usually avoid caffeine during pregnancy, so it is not healthy for the body. But actually there are some herbal tea if consumed in large doses is not excessive, has health benefits.There are also herbal teas that some of them are not healthy, like green tea. many women feel that the tea is not healthy for the baby in its infancy. although there are some who feel that the limited consumption of tea has no side effects. To be clear where herbal tea is safe during pregnancy, please see the list below.

Peppermint tea is herbal and if taken carefully (once or twice a week), will help to relieve nausea in the morning (morning sickness), nausea, heartburn and mood swings.
Ginger tea mostly recommended by many doctors. In an early pregnancy, a woman consuming ginger tea as an herbal tea, is very effective in combating morning sickness, vomiting, nausea, headaches, and mood swings.
Thyme tea if consumed in small amounts is also good and healthy for pregnant women.
Green tea is considered as a health drink. If consumed in limited quantities, green tea is good for pregnancy. because it has antioxidants that can stop cell injury, disease, and simultaneously increase the blood circulation in the body. Green tea can also reduce high blood pressure. However, if the excessive consumption of tea is not good for the health of pregnant women, mindless and can prevent iron and folic acid.
Chamomile herbal tea is a herbal tea that is safe to take during pregnancy. usually provided in the home to treat sleep disorders. If you have hard to sleep, herbal teas you can brew it. to calm the mind and help you sleep soundly.
There are some women taking raspberry leaf tea in a couple of weeks before childbirth. This herb is good for stamina enhancer. However, you should visit your doctor before you choose to consume.
Herbal Tea Tulsi (basil) can be taken under medical supervision. Tulsi is used to relieve nausea in the morning, and together stop the vomiting.

These are some herbal teas are safe to take during pregnancy for women. However, not all herbal teas safe. So, consult with your doctor before acting to consume.

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