Friday, March 29, 2013

Benefits of Herbal Tea for Pregnant Women writ

Women usually avoid caffeine during pregnancy, so it is not healthy for the body. But actually there are some herbal tea if consumed in large doses is not excessive, has health benefits.There are also herbal teas that some of them are not healthy, like green tea. many women feel that the tea is not healthy for the baby in its infancy. although there are some who feel that the limited consumption of tea has no side effects. To be clear where herbal tea is safe during pregnancy, please see the list below.

Peppermint tea is herbal and if taken carefully (once or twice a week), will help to relieve nausea in the morning (morning sickness), nausea, heartburn and mood swings.
Ginger tea mostly recommended by many doctors. In an early pregnancy, a woman consuming ginger tea as an herbal tea, is very effective in combating morning sickness, vomiting, nausea, headaches, and mood swings.
Thyme tea if consumed in small amounts is also good and healthy for pregnant women.
Green tea is considered as a health drink. If consumed in limited quantities, green tea is good for pregnancy. because it has antioxidants that can stop cell injury, disease, and simultaneously increase the blood circulation in the body. Green tea can also reduce high blood pressure. However, if the excessive consumption of tea is not good for the health of pregnant women, mindless and can prevent iron and folic acid.
Chamomile herbal tea is a herbal tea that is safe to take during pregnancy. usually provided in the home to treat sleep disorders. If you have hard to sleep, herbal teas you can brew it. to calm the mind and help you sleep soundly.
There are some women taking raspberry leaf tea in a couple of weeks before childbirth. This herb is good for stamina enhancer. However, you should visit your doctor before you choose to consume.
Herbal Tea Tulsi (basil) can be taken under medical supervision. Tulsi is used to relieve nausea in the morning, and together stop the vomiting.

These are some herbal teas are safe to take during pregnancy for women. However, not all herbal teas safe. So, consult with your doctor before acting to consume.

Healthy Solutions Enlarge Breasts with Herbs

Having beautiful breasts is every woman's dream. To get it, even some women are willing to do engineering with surgery. Some women also who choose to consume healthy foods that can increase breast size naturally.
Kidney beans, dairy products, split peas, parsley, carrots, onions, cucumbers, fruit, asparagus, lettuce and beans are some foods that can increase breast size naturally. Foods rich in manganese and bromine such as ginger, garlic, shrimp, brown rice, pears and almonds are also a healthy alternative foods to enlarge breasts.
In addition to food, there are several solutions with herbs to increase your breast size naturally. Here are some herbs that has it's benefits:

Fenugreek / FenugreekFenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum) is an annual plant in the family Fabaceae. This plant has small round leaves, is cultivated worldwide as a semi-arid crop and is a common ingredient in the cuisine of the Indian subcontinent. According to Ayurveda, Fenugreek can enhance and enlarge breast size with diosgenin. These compounds increase the breast size. Soak the seeds overnight and massage with water for natural breast enlargement. The seeds of fenugreek contains diosgenin, a chemical compound such as steroids that build a synthetic form of estrogen (female sex hormone). Lack of estrogen and progesterone (male sex hormones) in women cause breast being small.
Pueraria Mirifica plant is commonly found in Southeast Asia, such as Thailand and Vietnam. This is one of the most effective ingredient used in many creams, lotions and pills breast enlarger.
Blessed thistle scientific name of blessed thistle is Cnicus Benedictus, a family Asteraceae. This plant is widely grown in the Mediterranean region, from northern Portugal to the south of France and Iran to the east.
The plant is able to increase blood flow to the breast tissue. It also stimulates the female reproductive system and aid digestion.
Fennel Fennel is a plant species in the genus Foeniculus. Is a member of the family Apiaceae. These plants are robust, perennial (lasting for more than 3 seasons), umbelliferous herb, with yellow flowers and feathery leaves
The plant has anethole, dianethole and photoanethole (compounds that increase estrogen in the body). Fennel also has phytoestrogens (estrogen-like) that stimulate breast growth and increase the production of milk for breastfeeding mothers.
Wild yam species Dioscorea villosa is a tuberous vine Twining were genuine and can be found growing wild in North America. Perennial roots is another popular herb used as a tonic for breast enlargement naturally. You can add herbs in tea to get bigger breasts
In Chinese herb star anise, spice and herbal flavors can be added to the dish. However, you can also use this herb to increase your breast size naturally. Star anise and fennel have estrogen-induced compounds in it.
Licorice Liquorice or licorice is the root of Glycyrrhiza glabra which taste slightly sweet, can be extracted. Licorice root crops are legumes indigenous southern Europe and parts of Asia. Licorice contains anethole, dianethole and photoanethole. These compounds increase the hormones estrogen and prolactin.

Natural Healthy Solution Overcome Hair Loss

Hair is a crown for every person. Having a healthy and beautiful hair Become everyone's dream, be it male or female. For women, hair is a precious treasure to be preserved and cared for with all your soul. Fertility hair on each one different from each other.
There are people who Haired fertile, infertile or even infertile so easy to lose. Hair loss is a problem for many people. Various methods are used to Prevent or treat hair loss roomantes is a crown worth in the hope of recovering.In this article I will describe the treatment for hair loss. To remember is that the match is how to deal with hair loss is different for each person Because there are many factors that cause hair loss experienced by many people.

What happens if your hair to lose? Tried different ways to cope with hair loss. Starting from expensive drugs to drugs offered on the free market, roomates had not even known Whether the drug is safe to use or not. Sometimes, in order to get healthy hair someone willing to spend a lot of money.

Causes of Hair Loss

The human body consists of many hairs are called feather Often when grown in places other than the head. Hair also has different colors, influenced by the hair pigment melanin pigment in them and pigment eumelanin.
Hair loss can be Caused by various things:

Poor nutrition. The lack of Nutrients in the hair can cause hair loss hair roots Because Become strong
Chemicals are dangerous. Harsh chemicals can also cause hair loss. Such as the chemicals contained in hair straighteners medicine, bleaching or coloring hair, hair etc Use of chemicals must be accompanied with intense care to maintain the beauty and health of hair.
Genes. Hair loss can also be Caused by genes / Heredity. If your parents do not have a lot of hair and are experiencing hair loss at a young age,
Apparently anemia can cause the sufferer experiencing hair loss due to iron deficiency in red blood cells, iron plays a role in healthy hair follicles.
Lack of calories
calorie deficiency frequently Occurs normally in every person who is doing a low calorie diet. Apparently the condition will diets Easily the make hair fall out as the conditions of dehydration and exhaustion.
someone who is experiencing stress can also cause hair loss.

How to Overcome Hair LossMany things you can do to cope with hair loss, Including hair in order to manage your diet to OBTAIN good nutrition, healthy life, free from stress, Avoiding excessive sunlight, Often massaging your head when shampooing, you need to treat your hair and use a hair tonic after washing your hair Regularly and using natural products.Many natural products that you can actually use to cope with hair loss. This natural way even been known since the days of our ancestors were unfortunately less socialized by the current generation. Natural Recipes include:

Stale tea. Flush tea with boiling water, then tea is left in a clean place for 3 days. After 3 days of use stale tea water before bathing for 30 minutes. Then rinse your hair thoroughly.
Carrots washed with water. grate some carrots and then squeeze the water and pour the water carrots in your head and massage gently. Then wrap your head with a clean towel and let stand for 30 minutes. Rinse thoroughly. To Strengthen the hair roots can be done by adjusting the diet by increasing the vitamin A, B, C and E, protein and mineral intake is sufficient for the body.
Aloe Vera. In the world of beauty, aloe vera has been Widely used especially in the treatment of hair cream bath. Use aloe vera before showering. Let stand for 15 minutes then rinse thoroughly.
You are advised to consult your doctor if the problem-solving related to the above solutions can Speckle

Method Solutions to Overcome and Prevent Toothache tooth decay

Health Solutions healthy Toothache Suffering from a most unpleasant experience. Cavities generally be the original cause of our Suffering from Toothache. What actually happens to our teeth when Suffering from Toothache? Any other result from cavities?How is the solution to Prevent Toothache?
Caterpillar is not the cause of tooth decay as many Assume in ancient times. Bacteria will convert sugar from food scraps into acids that cause tooth up up to become acidic environment (natural environment teeth should be ie alkaline) and acid is what ultimately makes a small hole in the tooth enamel.
Occurs when a hole on tooth enamel, we have not felt a Toothache. At this time we will feel the pains of the teeth while eating. If allowed, the hole will be up to the hole so that our nerves will start to feel the Toothache. This process will not stop until the teeth eventually Become exhausted and the only remaining tooth root.
Toothache can not eye Assume village as many, if left unchecked Because, can make the teeth Becomes swollen and inflamed. Although many people do not like going to the dentist with a reason not care about the state of your teeth, worried about high costs, fear of being ridiculed or embarrassed Because of crooked teeth, but going to the dentist is the best solution to Overcome Toothache . Cavities can not heal by itself. Although, possibly after Suffering a Toothache, the pain may disappear but do not improve the state of your teeth. Teeth will REMAIN hollow, even the hole will keep getting bigger.
Teeth and Dental patching DisconnectThe measures will generally be taken dentist is mending a broken tooth, if the hole is not too big. However, if we feel the pain of the teeth, the fillings can not be done directly Because then the gas in the tooth can not get out. Just as the process of dental fillings, the tooth can not immediately revoked when the teeth still hurt. It is Caused when we feel a Toothache, then the anesthesia drugs (drug resistant so as not to feel pain when the teeth removed) can not penetrate the roots of the teeth, so that when removed will cause tremendous pain. The process of tooth extraction can only be done when a tooth is not painful and to relieve pain doctors will kill tooth nerve.
Preventing tooth decayTo Prevent cavities, you can perform the following steps:
- Regularly checking your teeth
consult the dentist every 6 months even if you do not feel the Toothache. This is Necessary so that doctors can detect small holes that occur on the teeth and can be handled immediately so that the hole is not bigger. It could also detect the uneven teeth or teeth that can cause Grooved difficult to clean.
- Brushing your teeth Regularly and in a timely mannerEvery morning after breakfast and at night before bed is the perfect time to brush your teeth. Saliva is not much out as we sleep, so that the teeth will be damaged if you leave food residue on the teeth without a brush. Saliva is useful to protect teeth from bacteria that cause cavities.
- Brushing teeth the right way
While brushing your teeth Regularly has been done, but if done in a way that is not true, of course the result will not be maximal. The correct way is to brush downward to the front teeth (incisors) the top, brushing towards the top to the bottom of the front teeth and brush horizontally to molars. Brushing teeth should be longer, Because this tooth has the potential attachment leftovers.
- Use dental floss to remove food residue
The rest of the food was left, should not be removed by using a Toothpick. Use a Toothpick can cause a gap between the teeth as well as the greater may cause injury to the gums.
- Choose a toothpaste that contains fluoride
Using a toothpaste containing fluoride. The presence of these substances can Prevent decay on the tooth.
- Eat fibrous foods
Eat vegetables or fruit could PROVE to the makeup Stronger teeth and Prevent cavities.
- Reduce foods containing sugar and flour
This type of food when left on the teeth and the bacteria will cause acids that create cavities.